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Whippet Standard


Impressum / über uns

Der Whippet Standard

mit freundicher Genehmigung des Whippet Club Deutschland

FCI Whippet Standard N° 162
14.05.2007 / GB

ORIGIN: Great Britain.


Group 10 Sighthounds, Section 3 Short-haired Sighthounds, without working trial


Balanced combination of muscular power and strength with elegance and grace of outline.
Built for speed and work. All forms of exaggeration should be avoided.

An ideal companion. Highly adaptable in domestic and sporting surroundings. Gentle,
affectionate, even disposition.


Long and lean, flat on top, tapering to muzzle, rather wide between the eyes.
top: Slight

Nose: Black. In blues a bluish colour. In livers a liver nose. In isabel, creams or other
diluted coat colours any colour except pink. Only in whites or parti-coloured a
butterfly nose is permissible but not a completely unpigmented nose.
Jaws/Teeth: Jaws strong, powerful and clean cut with a perfect scissor bite, i.e. the
upper teeth closely overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws.
Eyes: Oval, bright, expression very alert.
Ears: Rose shaped, small, fine in texture.

NECK: Long, muscular, elegantly arched.


Topline: Showing a graceful arch over loin but the dog is not humped.
Back: Broad, well muscled, firm, somewhat long.
Loin: Giving impression of strength and power.
Chest: Very deep with plenty of heart room, brisket deep, well defined.
Ribs well sprung, muscled on back.
Belly: With definite tuck up.

: No feathering. Long, tapering, when in action carried in a delicate curve
but not higher than the level of the back.


FOREQUARTERS: Forelegs straight and upright, front not too wide.
Shoulders: Oblique and muscular; blades carried up to top of spine,
where they are clearly defined.
Elbows: Set well under body.
Pasterns: Strong with slight spring.

HINDQUARTERS: Strong. Dog able to stand over a lot of ground.
Thighs: Broad across.
Stifles: Well bent.
Second thighs: Well developed.
Hocks: Well let down.
Feet: Very neat, well split up between toes, knuckles well arched, pads thick and strong.

Perfectly free action. In profile should move with a long easy stride, maintaining the topline.
forelegs should be thrown well forward and low over the ground, hindlegs should come
well under the body giving great and powerful drive.
General movement not to be stilted,
high stepping, short or mincing. True coming and going.

Hair: Fine, short, close in texture.
Colour: Any colour or mixture of colours.

Height at the withers:
Dogs    47-51 cm (18 1/2 - 20 ins)
Bitches 44-47 cm (17 1/2 - 18 1/2 ins)

Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness
with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree and its
effect upon the health and welfare of the dog.

Aggressive or overly shy.
Any dog clearly showing physical or behavioural abnormalities shall be disqualified.

N.B.: Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.

FCI-Standard N° 162 / 14.04.2008/ D

Übersetzung: Frau Quaritsch-Fricke,  Herr Dr. Weidmann.
Ergänzungen vom 14. 5. 2007 übersetzt / bearbeitet von Uwe Fischer

URSPRUNG: Großbritannien
KLASSIFIKATION FCI: Gruppe 10 Windhunde. Sektion 3  Kurzhaarige Windhunde.
Ohne Arbeitsprüfung.

ALLGEMEINES ERSCHEINUNGSBILD: Ausgewogene Kombination von Muskelkraft und Stärke mit Eleganz und Grazie der Umrisslinien. Für Geschwindigkeit und Leistung gebaut. Jede Form der Übertreibung muss vermieden werden.

VERHALTEN / CHARAKTER (WESEN): Ein idealer Begleiter. In hohem Masse anpassungsfähig in häuslicher und sportlicher Umgebung. Freundlich, anhänglich, ausgeglichen.


: Lang und trocken, flacher Oberkopf, zum Fang hin sich verjüngend, ziemlich breit zwischen den Augen.
Stop: Leicht.

Nase: Schwarz. Bei blauen Hunden ein bläulicher Farbton, bei leberfarbigen eine leberfarbige Nase. Bei isabell- bzw. cremefarbenen, sowie anderen ausgedünnten Farben jede passende Farbe, ausgenommen rosa. Nur bei weißen Hunden oder bei Schecken ist eine Schmetterlingsnase erlaubt, jedoch niemals ein völlig unpigmentierter Nasenschwamm.
Kiefer / Zähne: Kräftige, starke, klar gezeichnete Kiefer mit einem perfekten, regelmäßigen und vollständigen Scherengebi
ss, d.h. das die oberen Schneidezähne die unteren Schneidezähne eng übergreifen und rechtwinklig zu den Kiefern stehen.
Auge: Oval, strahlend, sehr aufmerksamer Ausdruck.
Ohren: Rosenförmig, klein, feinledrig.

HALS: Lang, muskulös, elegant gebogen.

Obere Linie: Anmutiger Bogen im Bereich der Lendenpartie, aber nicht bucklig.
Rücken: Breit, gut bemuskelt, kernig, eher lang
Lende: Erweckt den Eindruck von Stärke und Kraft.
Brust: Sehr tief mit viel Platz für das Herz; Vorbrust zwischen den Läufen tief und gut abgezeichnet. Rippen gut gewölbt, am Rückenansatz gut bemuskelt.
Bauch: Deutlich aufgezogen.
RUTE: Keine Befederung. Lang, sich verjüngend. In der Aktion in feiner Aufwärtsbiegung, aber nicht über den Rücken erhoben.

VORDERHAND: Vorderläufe zwischen Ellenbogen und Pfoten gerade und senkrecht; Front nicht zu breit.
Schultern: Schräg und muskulös; Schulterblätter bis zur Wirbelsäule reichend, wo sie sich deutlich abzeichnen.
Ellenbogen: Gut unter den Rumpf gestellt.
Vordermittelfuss: Stark, leicht federnd.
HINTERHAND: Stark. Der Hund vermag im Stand viel Boden zu decken und große Schubkraft zu zeigen.
Oberschenkel: Breit.
Knie: Gut gewinkelt.
Unterschenkel: Gut entwickelt.
Sprunggelenk: Tief gestellt.

PFOTEN: Sehr klar umrissen; Zehen gut voneinander abgesetzt, gut aufgeknöchelt; dicke und starke Ballen.

GANGWERK: Perfekte freie Bewegung, dabei von der Seite betrachtet mit weitausgreifenden leichtfüßigen Schritten, wobei die obere Linie beibehalten wird.
Die Vorderläufe sollten niedrig über dem Boden nach vorne geworfen werden; die Hinterläufe sollen  gut unter den Körper vorgreifen um starken und kraftvollen Schub zu bewirken. Bewegung insgesamt weder gestelzt, hochsteppend, kurztrittig oder trippelnd. Parallel im Kommen und Gehen.

HAAR: Fein, kurz, anliegend.
FARBE: Jede Farbe oder Farbmischung.

Schulterhöhe: Rüden: 47 - 51 cm, Hündinnen: 44 - 47 cm.

FEHLER: Jede Abweichung von den vorgenannten Punkten muss als Fehler angesehen werden, dessen Bewertung in genauem Verhältnis zum Grad der Abweichung stehen sollte.

Aggressiv oder übermäßig ängstlich Hunde, die deutlich physische Abnormalitäten oder Verhaltensstörungen aufweisen, müssen disqualifiziert werden.

: Rüden müssen zwei offensichtlich normal entwickelte Hoden aufweisen, die sich vollständig im Hodensack befinden.

Whippet Standard des

Amerikan Whippet Club
vom 30.09.1993

General Appearance

A medium size sighthound giving the appearance of elegance and fitness, denoting great
speed, power and balance without coarseness. A true sporting hound that covers a
maximum of distance with a minimum of lost motion. Should convey an impression of
beautifully balanced muscular power and strength, combined with great elegance and
grace of outline. Symmetry of outline, muscular development and powerful gait are the
main considerations; the dog being built for speed and work, all forms of exaggeration
should be avoided.

Size, Proportion, Substance

Ideal height for dogs, 19 to 22 inches; for bitches, 18 to 21 inches, measured at the
highest point of the withers. More than one-half inch above or below the stated limits
will disqualify. Length from forechest to buttocks equal to or slightly greater than height
at the withers. Moderate bone throughout.


Keen intelligent alert expression. Eyes large and dark. Both eyes must be of the same
color. Yellow or light eyes should be strictly penalized. Blue or wall eyes shall disqualify.
Fully pigmented eyelids are desirable.

Rose ears, small, fine in texture; in repose, thrown back and folded along neck, fold
should be maintained when at attention. Erect ears should be severely penalized.

Skull long and lean, fairly wide between ears, scarcely perceptible stop.

Muzzle should be long and powerful denoting great strength of bite, without coarseness.
Lack of underjaw should be strictly penalized. Nose entirely black.

Teeth of upper jaw should fit closely over teeth of lower jaw, creating a scissors bite.
Teeth should be white and strong. Undershot shall disqualify. Overshot one-quarter inch
or more shall disqualify.

Neck, Topline, and Body

Neck long, clean and muscular, well arched with no suggestion of throatiness, widening
gracefully into the top of the shoulder. A short thick neck, or a ewe neck, should be

The back is broad, firm and well muscled, having length over the loin. The backline runs
smoothly from the withers with a graceful natural arch, not too accentuated, beginning
over the loin and carrying through over the croup; the arch is continuous without flatness.
A dip behind shoulder blades, wheelback, flat back, or a steep or flat croup, should be

Brisket very deep, reaching as nearly as possible to the point of the elbow.

Ribs well spring, but with no suggestion of barrel shape. The space between the forelegs
is filled in so that there is no appearance of a hollow between them. There is a definite
tuckup of the underline.

The tail long and tapering, reaching to the hipbone when drawn through between the hind
legs. When the dog is in motion, the tail is carried low with only a gentle upward curve;
tail should not be carried higher than the top of the back.


Shoulder blade long, well laid back, with flat muscles, allowing for moderate space between
shoulder blades at peak of withers. Upper arm of equal length, placed so that the elbow falls
directly under the withers.

The points of the elbows should point neither in nor out, but straight back. A steep shoulder,
short upper arm, a heavily muscled or loaded shoulder, or a very narrow shoulder, all of which
restricts low free movement, should be strictly penalized.

Forelegs straight, giving appearance of strength and substance of bone. Pasterns strong,
slightly bent and flexible. Bowed legs, tied-in elbows, legs lacking substance, legs set far
under the body so as to create an exaggerated forechest, weak or upright pasterns
should be strictly penalized.

Both front and rear feet must be well formed with hard, thick pads. Feet more hare than
cat, but both are acceptable. Flat, splayed or soft feet without thick hard pads should be
strictly penalized. Toes should be long, close and well arched. Nails strong and naturally
short or of moderate length. Dewclaws may be removed.


Long and powerful. The thighs are broad and muscular, stifles well bent; muscles are long
and flat and carried well down toward the hock. The hocks are well let down and close to
the ground. Sickle or cow hocks should be strictly penalized.


Short, close, smooth and firm in texture. Any other coat shall be a disqualification. Old
scars and injuries, the result of work or accidents, should not be allowed to prejudice
the dog's chances in the show ring.


Color immaterial.


Low, free moving and smooth, with reach in the forequarters and strong drive in the
hindquarters. The dog has great freedom of action when viewed from the side; the
forelegs move forward close to the ground to give a long, low reach; the hind legs
have strong propelling power. When moving and viewed from front or rear, legs should
turn neither in nor out, nor should feet cross or interfere with each other. Lack of front
reach or rear drive, or a short, hackney gait with high wrist action should be strictly
penalized. Crossing in front or moving too closely should be strictly penalized.


Amiable, friendly, gentle, but capable of great intensity during sporting pursuits.


More than one-half inch above or below stated height limits
Blue or wall eyes
Undershot; overshot one-quarter inch or more
Any coat other than short, close, smooth and firm in texture.


(*as approved by The Canadian Kennel Club)

General Appearance:

The Whippet should be a dog of moderate size, very alert, that can cover a maximum of
distance with a minimum of lost motion, a true sporting hound. Should be put down in hard
condition but with no suggetion of being muscle-bound.


Ideal height for dogs 19 - 22 inches; for bitches, 18 - 21 inches.
These are not intended to be definite limits, only approximate.

Coat and Colour:

Coat close, smooth and firm in texture. Colour immaterial.


Long and lean, fairly wide between the ears, scarcely perceptible stop, good length of
muzzle which should be powerful without being coarse. Nose entirely black. Teeth white,
strong and even.  Teeth of upper jaw should fit closely over the lower. Eyes large,
intelligent, round in shape and dark hazel in colour, must be at least as dark as the coat
colour. Expression should be keen and alert. A sulky expression and lack of alertness to
be considered most undesirable. Ears small, fine in texture, thrown back and folded.
Semi-pricked when at attention.


Long and muscular, well arched and with no suggestion of throatiness, widening gradually
into the shoulders. Must not have any tendency to an "ewe" neck.


Shoulders long, well laid back with long, flat muscles.  Forelegs straight and rather long,
held in line with the shoulders and not set under the body so as to make a forechest.
Elbows should turn neither in nor out and move freely with the point of the shoulder.
Fair amount of bone, which should carry right down to the feet. Pasterns strong.


Back strong and powerful, rather long with a good, natural arch over the loin creating
a definite tuck-up of the underline, but covering a lot of ground.  Brisket very deep and
strong, reaching as nearly as possible to the point of the elbow. Ribs well sprung but
with no suggestion of barrel shape. Should fill in the space between the forelegs so that
there is no appearance of a hollow between them.


Long and powerful, stifles well bent, hocks well let down and close to the ground. Thighs
broad and muscular, the muscles should be long and flat. A steep croup is most undesirable.
Feet must be well formed with strong, thick pads and well-knuckled up paws.


Long and tapering, should reach to a hip bone when drawn through between the hind legs.
Must not be carried higher than the top of the back when moving.


Low, free moving and smooth, as long as is commensurate with the size of the dog.


Light yellow or oblique eyes should be strictly penalized. Gay ears are incorrect and should
be severely penalized. Loaded shoulders are a very serious fault. A thin, flat open foot is
a serious fault. A short mincing gait with high knee action should be severely penalized.


Undershot mouth and any coat other than that described in the standard.


An ideal companion.  Highly adaptable in domestic and sporting surroundings. 


Gentle, affectionate, even disposition. 


Long and lean, flat on top tapering to muzzle with slight stop, rather wide between the
eyes, jaws powerful and clean cut, nose black, in blues a bluish colour permitted, in livers
a nose of the same colour, in whites or parti-colour a butterfly nose permissible. 


Oval, bright, expression very alert. 


Rose shaped, small, fine in texture. 


Jaws strong with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i.e. the upper teeth closely
overlapping the lower teeth and set square to the jaws. 


Long, muscular, elegantly arched. 


Shoulders oblique and muscular, blades carried up to top of spine, where they are clearly
defined.  Forelegs straight and upright, front not too wide, pasterns strong with slight
spring, elbows set well under body. 


Chest very deep with plenty of heart room, brisket deep, well defined, broad back, firm,
somewhat long, showing definite arch over loin but not humped.  Loin giving impression
of strength and power, ribs well sprung, muscled on back. 


Strong, broad across thighs, stifles well bent, hocks well let down, well developed second
thighs, dog able to stand over a lot of ground and show great driving power. 


Very neat, well split up between toes, knuckles well arched, pads thick and strong. 


No feathering.  Long, tapering, when in action carried in a delicate curve upward but not
over back. 


Free, hindlegs coming well under body for propulsion.  Forelegs thrown well forward low
over the ground, true coming and going.  General movement not to look stilted, high
stepping, short or mincing. 


Fine, short, close in texture. 


Any colour or mixture of colours. 


Height: Dogs 47-51 cm (18½-20 ins) 
Bitches 44-47 cm (17½-18½ ins) 


Any departure from the foregoing points should be considered a fault and the seriousness
with which the fault should be regarded should be in exact proportion to its degree. 


Male animals should have two apparently normal testicles fully descended into the scrotum.